Increasing the journal size for Zerto with Public Cloud

So I recently ran into some journal size limits for a VPG with the target site being in Azure. But from what I gather from Zerto support, this method should work for all public clouds. I initially thought that I could increase the journal size the same way with on prem Zerto installations. That was … Read more

clearing postgres logs in VCSA

So I noticed that disk space on my VCSAs were getting full or were already full. I’ve used the following command to find all files older than 45 days, and then to remove them the first part of the command locates the files i’m look for and where,+mtime sets how far back you want to … Read more

No Sound on Windows 10

If you’re still running vSphere 6.0 like I am, Windows 10 VMs will not have any sound. To fix this, you’ll need to edit the vmx file and add the following lines: Once added, you sounded should be working. FYI, this works for Server 2019 as well. Given the above, should really upgrade to 6.5 … Read more

Removing vmnic from vDS from esxi host

Early this morning, I had to reboot my vCenter, as there were some issues with it where I had to reboot it. However, after it came back up it was no longer reachable. Rebooted a second time and still got the same results. So I connected to the host client, and disconnected the network. Big … Read more

Finally Migrated to 6.5U3

So in my last post, I was struggling with updating VCSA 6.0 to VCSA 6.5U3. I opened up an SR, and the initial call had me to restore the Machine SSL to use the VMCA. Feeling confident that would work, the tech ended the call mid way through the update. Two days later, after examining … Read more

FAIL: VCSA 6.0U3 upgrade to 6.5U3

So I’ve been fighting an VCSA upgrade from 6.0U3 to 6.5U3. Everything goes smoothly until trying to start vCenter services. After about 5 minutes, I get an error “An error occurred while starting service ‘vpxd’” Digging into the logs I keep seeing the following errors: I’ve reset all certs, regenerated new ones, and I still … Read more

Checking ESXi NTP

So i just happen to check the time on one of my ESXi hosts, and noticed that the time was way off, by like hours. I checked the NTP service on the host, and it was not running. So updated and stated to check the other hosts. However, I didn’t feel like logging into each … Read more

Guest OS reporting error during quiescing

My storage engineer recently approached me about a couple of VMs that were failing to backup because it could not quiesce.  We were seeing:   My storage engineer recently approached me about a couple of VMs that were failing to backup because it could not quiesce.  We were seeing: “An error occurred while saving the … Read more

Reusing Computer Names in a Full Clone Pool

For the few of us using Full Clones in their Horizon View environment, we’ve always run into the issue of not being able to reuse computer names like you can in a Linked Clone pool. However, I came across a VMWare KB that explains how to do this.  I’d advise you fully read the KB … Read more

ending the week on a high note

nothing like ending the week on a high note. Been running RecoverPoint for VM for the past few weeks with lack luster results with the same level of support. Replication was painfully slow along with a UI that was severely lacking in features. However, after setting up Zerto, which took about 15 minutes or so, … Read more

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