Reusing Computer Names in a Full Clone Pool

For the few of us using Full Clones in their Horizon View environment, we’ve always run into the issue of not being able to reuse computer names like you can in a Linked Clone pool.

However, I came across a VMWare KB that explains how to do this.  I’d advise you fully read the KB as it involves modifying the ADAM database.  I don’t have to tell you what can potentially happen if that get’s corrupted.  So backup and/ or snapshot before making changes.

So basically, you need to modify the following value in the ADAM database for the pool in question.

pae-VMNameReuseAllowed = 1

You would need to remote onto one of you connection servers, and  open up ADSI Edit from Administrative Tools, select the ADAM Database, go to OU=Server Groups, right click the pool in question and find the above attribute and change it to 1.

Have fun!

For reference here is the KB:



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