Troubleshooting VM with nVidia GPU

So I was troubleshooting a VM that had a nVidia GPU. The issue with the VM was that it was not reachable, multiple reboots yielded the same results. To troubleshoot, I needed to get into the VM, so I powered it off, and removed the GPU in the VM’s settings, saved it, and powered it … Read more

PDQ and Windows Updates

Last year introduced PDQ as way to easily deploy applications to desktops. In the past, applications were either installed in the master clone, thinapp’d or manually installed by remotely connecting to the VM and installing it locally. This is where I did a POC and proved that this was a time saver and pretty much … Read more

Moved to Amazon Lightsail

I’ve moved to Amazon Lightsail from 1and1.  With the increase cost of running WordPress from 1and1, I’ve completely moved off it and am now running on Amazon Lightsail., along with DNS management by Amazon Route 53. My costs of hosting a WP site and DNS should drop dramatically   Amazon Lightsail is the one click … Read more

Edge Gateway Firewall in vCloud Director

Had an interesting issue with a client today. He had created quite a few edge gateway firewall rules with success. However a few VMs in his VPGs could not get out to the internet.  After much clicking around and testing different settings, it turns out that to allow all outbound traffic, the protocol on the … Read more

New Blog

I’ve created this new blog to separate my personal blog which contains….. personal ramblings, to talk/ post about all things tech.  This can range from work related enterprise stuff, to cloud related technologies, newest tech toys and everything in between.

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